Giving to the Ashmolean

Rembrandt etching of The Three Trees, 1643, etching with drypoint and engraving on laid paper

Drawing Together - Annual Appeal Fund

This year's Ashmolean annual appeal is in support of the Western Art Print Room.

Find out more about the annual appeal here.

With your help the Print Room can continue its work of preserving, researching, and digitising its extraordinary collections so they can be shared with visitors and audiences across the world, for many more years to come.

Donate now

A young girl and her mother look at Egyptian reliefs in a museum gallery

The Ashmolean Museum of Art and Archaeology houses the University’s extensive collections of art and antiquities. Established in 1683, it is Britain’s oldest public museum and one of the oldest museums in the world.

The Ashmolean acts as a place of learning and discovery for visitors of all ages and backgrounds, offering opportunities to explore the Museum through meaningful engagement.

The Ashmolean is committed to being as accessible and inclusive as possible and to being a catalyst for good health and wellbeing as a facilitator of cultural participation.

Donors in the US can give tax-effectively via Americans For Oxford (AFO).
Donate via AFO

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