Advocating for a better understanding of history has never been more important.
History Tomorrow
Supporting graduate scholarships to advance society-shaping research
To continue to attract the most outstanding graduate students, regardless of their background, we need your help to expand the History Tomorrow fund to support graduate scholarships.

Why invest in graduate students at Oxford?
Our faculty is one of the leading centres for postgraduate research in history in the UK, and the largest graduate programme in the Humanities Division. Graduate study is vital to History as a discipline, allowing us to advance our knowledge through world-leading research. Our graduate students gain the knowledge and intellectual confidence that equips them to go on to play active roles in every part of society, be that in academia or elsewhere.
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Meet the scholars
"I have been afforded opportunities to embark on exciting international research and archival trips, to work on a research project aiding transformation of school curricula, assist with teaching, and presenting at a conference.
These experiences will equip me with the skills necessary to forge my career. Being awarded scholarship funding to study at DPhil level has built my resilience, confidence and resolve, allowing me to try new things, and learn more about the world."
The funding gap has never been bigger
Every year there is an enormous disparity between the number of high-quality applications we receive, and the limited amount of funding we are able to offer. Funding from the UK government for graduate work in the Humanities has diminished markedly in recent years, and many students are reluctant to add to their student debt by taking on an additional year of study. Of the 479 students whom we selected for graduate work in History in Oxford in 2024, we were only able to offer scholarships to 10% of them. As a consequence, many of our best graduate applicants miss out on the opportunity to study at Oxford.
Scholarships targeted at graduate students can therefore make a real difference and we are especially grateful for regular gifts, which will ensure that we can continue to support our graduate students year after year.
Make a regular gift

One of the hardest things for us as historians is to see excellent graduate students turning down an offer that could have been their stepping stone to a career in history.
Your generosity will enable new generation of historians to engage in world-class research and to take the next step in a potentially society-shaping career.