Half of us will develop cancer in our lifetime. With your help, we can change the outcome of a diagnosis for all.

Why support Oxford Cancer?

The world has seen terrific progress in the treatment, prevention and detection of cancer in the last 25 years.

But there are still millions of patients dying from cancer every year who need us to do better.

Make a difference today

Oxford Cancer is making significant advancements in the prevention, treatment and detection of cancer.

Our researchers are forming multidisciplinary teams to work on projects including the development of a vaccine for lung cancer, identifying different types of prostate cancer and a simple blood test to detect many forms of cancer at an early stage.

But we need to fund more researchers to make our progress happen faster.

Help make progress happen

What will my gift do?

Your gift to Oxford Cancer will help in so many ways.

How you can make a difference

could fund a DPhil student's access to cutting-edge online learning resources and courses in data analytics
could fund an Oxford researcher for a day to identify ways of improving treatment pathways
could fund sample collection from 10 patients to support the development of new blood tests to detect cancer earlier

Donate other amount

A gift today of any size will support more breakthroughs in cancer research.

You will help us pursue more projects like the UK Colorectal Cancer Intelligence Hub (CORECT-R).

Colorectal cancer is the fourth most common cancer in the UK. Over 100 people are diagnosed with it every day.

CORECT-R is the largest project of its kind in the world. It provides scientists with access to huge amounts of health data that can be used to optimise their research into new treatments for colorectal cancer.

I'll support Oxford Cancer

Your gift today – big or small – will immediately power research that will change lives across the world.

Thank you.

Give to Oxford Cancer

Donors in the US can give tax-effectively via Americans For Oxford (AFO).

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